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English: Literary Research: Books

This Library Guide will help students in the English Composition find the resources they need for their literary research

Before Getting Started

Before Getting Started

  • Determine what type of literature you're dealing with:
    • Novel?
    • Short Story?
    • Play?
    • Modern or Classical?
    • American or Foreign?
  • ​What type of Information do you need:
    • Biographical info about the author?
    • Essays discussing specific novels or plays?
    • Both?

If you don't know where to start, ask a librarian for help.

Library Resources

Search the Library's catalog to search all of the Vincennes University Libraries' resources in one place. Remember to log into your VUX account before accessing any online resources.

Recommended Print Books

Dewey Classifications for Literary Research

Explore these sections for more resources:

810s American literature in English
820s English & Old English literatures
830s German & related literatures
840s Literatures of Romance languages
850s Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic
860s Spanish & Portuguese literatures
870s Italic literatures; Latin literature
880s Hellenic literatures; Classical Greek
890s Literatures of other languages




Recommended Ebooks

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Interlibrary Loan

If you can't find what you need, don't give up!  We can get almost anything for you by borrowing it from another library!

Watch this video to learn how to place a request:

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