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World History: More Help

This Library Guide will help students find the resources they need for their history research.


The Shake Library staff are always willing to help you get the resources you need.  Do not hesitate to use the "Ask a Librarian" information on the right to contact us with your questions.

Tutorials and other helpful resources for specific databases are available on the drop down menu of the tab above.  

Library Videos

Course Reserves:  Course reserves are materials selected by professors for their specific classes to be available only in the Library for student use. To view the list of reserve items, use OneVU >> Course Reserves (link is located in the top right corner of the search screen). Search by Course Name, Department,  Instructor, or Start Date. Click the "All" status button to see all Course Reserves. 

Evaluating Resources: When researching articles for a paper, it is the responsibility of every researcher from student to tenured faculty to evaluate their resources. A simple test you can run on each of your resources to make sure that they are appropriate for you is the CRAAP Test. 

Holds & ILLWatch this video to learn how to request items from Shake Library as well as other libraries.

How to Use Google Scholar:  Tutorial created by the David L. Rice Library that discusses the benefits of Google Scholar, how to utilize its service, and how it differs from regular Google.

LibGuides: Learn how to find research help with LibGuides!

Library Account:  Learn how to access your online Library Account with Shake Library. You will be able to see what books you have out, if you have any fines, save searches, and renew your books.

Library Tour:  Check out our spaces and see what all you can do in the Shake Library.

Library Website:  Learn how to use Shake Library's website and all the features it offers.

OneVU: How to use OneVU, our online catalog that allows you to search all of Shake Library's resources in one place.

Reserving Study Rooms:  STUDENTS: Want to reserve a space to study at Shake Library? Watch this video to learn how to schedule and reserve a Study Room with our online calendar!

Searching Databases:  Learn how to search for scholarly journal articles in Shake Library's databases. Included are instructions for accessing the databases from off campus.

Searching Databases: Advanced Search:  Learn how to search for scholarly journal articles using the Advanced Search feature in Shake Library's databases.

Virtual Reality Rooms at Shake Library:  Shake Library now has two Virtual Reality Rooms available to use for VU student, faculty, and staff. Watch this video to learn how you can reserve your time slot today!

Web Print at Shake Library:  Students, want to print from your laptop or personal device? Watch this video to learn how to submit a print job to one of Shake Library's Printer Paystations (VUX username & password required).

Ask a Librarian!

Ask A Librarian

Email Shake Library at

Call the Library Information Desk at 812-888-4165.

NEW: Text Shake Library at 888-993-8468 (VINU)

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InterLibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

If you can't find what you need, don't give up!  We can get almost anything for you by borrowing it from another library!

Watch this video to learn how to place a request:

Holds & ILL

OCLC Express Library

Vincennes University

812-888-VUVU | 800-742-9198

1002 North First Street; Vincennes, Indiana 47591

Shake Library

812-888-4165 |

1002 North First Street; Vincennes, Indiana 47591

Jasper Academic Center for Excellence

812-481-5923 |

850 College Ave; Jasper, IN 47546