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Shake Library: Vincennes University Archives Online

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  4. Choose "Sole Lewis Library Fund"
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Vincennes University Archives

Collections from the Byron Lewis archives focus on Vincennes University.  Please visit this site regularly as we continue to add collections to our digital archive.  

Please visit the Lewis Library Digital Archives to see what we have been up to!  Currently we have digitized some of the following:

The athletics collection has been started!  Check out our progress:

Coming someday:

  • Vincennes University Commencements
  • The Trailblazer:  Student Newspaper

You can also search OneVU, our library catalog to see what we have on various topics, including what we have in the Lewis Historical Library. If you click the title of a collection that has been digitized, you will see a list of documents in the collection and direct links to each item. To learn more about how to use OneVU, you can watch our video How to Use OneVU.


Video instruction

Check out our YouTube video on how to use our Lewis Library Digital Archives before you begin your search.

How to use our Digital Archives

Indiana Memory Collections

Some Lewis Library collections have been digitized and are now available via a hosted site by the state called Indiana Memory.  Select the collection of interest below and download the PDF. 

Links are provided for direct access to these resources.  These collections include:

Vincennes University

812-888-VUVU | 800-742-9198

1002 North First Street; Vincennes, Indiana 47591

Shake Library

812-888-4165 |

1002 North First Street; Vincennes, Indiana 47591

Jasper Academic Center for Excellence

812-481-5923 |

850 College Ave; Jasper, IN 47546